Learning Figma: How to Master the Tool in Three Months

Jun 12, 2023Eugenia Sorgetti

What is Figma?

Figma is a cloud-based design tool that facilitates seamless collaboration within design teams. It's a favorite amongst designers for UI/UX, graphic design, and product design due to its powerful features and intuitive interface.

Why Learn Figma?

Learning Figma equips you with a skill that's increasingly in demand in the digital world. The ability to bring your creative ideas to life, and work effectively within a team, can open doors to exciting opportunities in the field of design.

What Can You Do With Figma?

With Figma, you can create user interfaces, design prototypes, produce graphics, and even animate them. Its collaborative features allow for real-time design and feedback with teams, transforming the way we work.

What is Figma? Beyond UI/Web/App Design

How Long Does It Take to Learn Figma?

While the timeline can vary based on your previous design experience, a dedicated individual can become proficient in Figma within three months. This blog will guide you through that journey, breaking down the process into manageable segments.

The Basics: Getting Started with Figma

Figma basics

Setting up a Figma Account

Creating a Figma account is straightforward. Simply navigate to Figma's website, and register with your email. There are free and paid plans, but beginners can start with the free version.

Figma's User Interface

Understanding the Figma interface is key to mastering the tool. It consists of a toolbar (where you find your design tools), a canvas (the workspace), and a layers panel (to manage the elements of your design). Spend some time familiarizing yourself with these components.

Figma basic tools: toolbar, canvas, layer panel

Key Features: Canvas, Layers, Design, Prototype, and Inspect

Each feature in Figma serves a specific function. The canvas is your workspace, where designs take shape. The layers panel helps manage different elements in a design. The design, prototype, and inspect modes each cater to different stages of your design process: creating designs, making interactive prototypes, and preparing designs for development.

Plugins and Integrations

Figma's functionality is boosted by various plugins that automate tasks and integrate other tools. Exploring the plugin library can help enhance your workflow, making it more efficient and seamless.

Understanding Basic Design Concepts

Review of Basic Design Concepts

Before diving deeper into Figma, understanding basic design concepts like grids, typography, colors, and spacing is crucial. These fundamental principles will guide your design decisions and help you create aesthetically pleasing and functional designs.

Introduction to Figma's Design Tools

Figma is equipped with a variety of design tools to bring your ideas to life. For instance, the shapes tool allows you to add geometric elements, while the pen tool is for creating custom shapes. The text tool is for adding typography, and the color and styling panels let you customize your design elements.

Applying Basic Design Concepts in Figma

Putting theory into practice, let's implement basic design concepts in Figma. Start by creating a simple layout using grids, applying typography, adding colors, and setting appropriate spacing. This practice will help you grasp the essential functions of Figma.

Mastering the Art of Collaboration in Figma

Mastering Figma's Collaboration Tools

One of Figma's unique strengths is its collaboration features. Figma allows multiple designers to work on a file simultaneously, viewing changes in real-time. Understanding these features, such as multiplayer editing and observational mode, can improve your teamwork and productivity.

Using Version History

Figma's version history allows you to track changes over time, offering an opportunity to revert to previous versions if needed. It also provides a visual timeline of your design process, which can be insightful for improving your workflow.

Leveraging Comments and Feedback

Comments are integral to Figma’s collaborative environment. You can add, reply to, and resolve comments directly within your design. This facilitates communication, speeds up the feedback process, and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Creating and Sharing Design Prototypes

Prototyping in Figma transforms static designs into interactive mockups. You can link design frames, add animations, and simulate user interactions. Sharing these prototypes with your team or clients provides an interactive way to gather feedback and make refinements.

Learning Intermediate Techniques in Figma

Components and Prototypes

Components in Figma are reusable design elements, like buttons or icons, that provide consistency and efficiency. They can be instances of a master component, so changes to the master reflect on all instances. Prototyping, as we touched on earlier, helps simulate user interactions and transitions, allowing you to preview and test your design.

Auto Layout

Auto Layout is a powerful feature in Figma that lets you create responsive designs. It automatically adjusts your design elements based on predefined rules and properties, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Keep reading: Figma's Auto Layout: The Ultimate Guide to Responsive Design


Expanding on earlier points, effective collaboration in Figma is an intermediate skill that involves coordinating with team members, using sharing permissions correctly, and understanding how to integrate Figma with other collaboration tools like Slack or Jira.

Learning Advanced Techniques in Figma


Figma plugins can automate repetitive tasks, add functionality, or integrate third-party services. Utilizing plugins effectively can drastically improve your design workflow and productivity.


With Smart Animate, Figma allows you to add complex animations to your designs. From simple transitions to complex movement, learning to animate your designs can bring them to life and make them more engaging.

Constraints and Responsive Design

Understanding constraints is crucial for creating responsive designs. Constraints determine how objects resize within frames, allowing you to create designs that adapt to different screen sizes or orientations.

Creating Your First Full Design Project in Figma

Starting Your First Full Project

Having gained a comprehensive understanding of Figma's tools and features, it's time to put them to the test with your first full project. This could be a website, a mobile app, or any other product of your choice.

Guide to Creating a Mockup

Start by sketching a rough layout of your design. Next, build your design in Figma, using components to create reusable elements and Auto Layout to ensure responsiveness. Add interactions with the Prototyping feature, and finally, animate elements where needed.

Presenting and Sharing Your Design

Once your design is complete, you can create a presentation right within Figma. You can also share the project with others, gather feedback, and make refinements. Remember, design is iterative. Don't be disheartened by critiques; instead, use them to improve your work. Congratulations, you've completed your first Figma project!

Building a Routine for Continuous Learning

Figma is a powerful tool, but to truly master it, you need regular practice. Building a daily or weekly routine where you design something new or refine an existing design can help keep your skills sharp. Remember, the design world is ever-evolving; new trends, techniques, and tools emerge all the time.

The following resources can aid your continuous learning journey:

Conclusion & References

In this blog post, we've walked through a comprehensive roadmap to mastering Figma in three months. From the basic setup and understanding design concepts, to collaboration, advanced techniques, and finally completing your first full project, we've covered it all. With dedication and practice, you'll be well on your way to becoming a proficient Figma designer.

To bolster your journey, here are some additional resources and references used throughout this post:

Remember, the path to mastery is a journey, not a destination. So, embark on this exciting adventure, and don't forget to share your progress and experiences with us. Happy designing!

Eugenia Sorgetti

Eugenia Sorgetti

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