
How to Share Figma Prototypes with Clients and Teammates

May 15, 2023Eugenia Sorgetti

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on sharing Figma prototypes effectively with both clients and teammates. In the ever-evolving world of digital design, collaboration is key. It's critical to be able to share your work, receive feedback, and iterate quickly. This is where Figma, a powerful cloud-based design tool, shines through. Figma is not only a platform for creating stunning designs, but also a collaborative space where teams can work together seamlessly. In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps of sharing your Figma prototypes, customizing access permissions, collaborating in real-time, and much more. Whether you're new to Figma or looking to maximize its potential, this guide has something for everyone.

What is Figma?

Figma is a revolutionary design tool that has taken the industry by storm. With its web-based platform, it enables designers to collaborate in real-time, eliminating the barriers often found in traditional design software. But Figma is more than just a design tool; it's a collaborative ecosystem where ideas can flourish.

Figma's robust features include vector editing, prototyping, and code-generation tools, making it an all-in-one solution for digital design. Its intuitive interface makes it accessible for beginners, while its advanced functionalities keep seasoned professionals engaged. The benefits of using Figma extend beyond its feature set. With Figma, your team can work together seamlessly, reduce redundancies, and streamline the design process. Plus, with its cloud-based architecture, your designs are accessible anytime, anywhere, making it an ideal tool for remote teams. Stay with us as we delve deeper into how you can leverage Figma for efficient collaboration and prototype sharing.

If you want to learn more, read our article What is Figma and How to Get Started with it?

Setting Up Your Figma Prototype

Figma offers an inviting and user-friendly workspace to create your designs and prototypes. To get started, sign up for an account and create a new project. The left panel, known as the Layers panel, is where you can manage your design elements. The right panel, the Properties panel, allows you to modify the properties of the selected layers.

Creating a prototype in Figma is a straightforward process. Start by designing your screens on the canvas, and then use the Prototype tab to create interactions. You can define the user journey by connecting frames with interaction lines and setting up triggers and animations. Remember, a well-structured prototype can significantly enhance your presentations to teammates and clients.

Related: 3 Quick and Fun Figma Prototyping Tutorials

Figma prototype

How to Share Figma Prototypes

Once it’s ready, sharing your prototype is just a few clicks away. In the top-right corner, you'll find the ‘Present’ button. Clicking this will open the prototype; now, you can click on the “Share prototype” button, which will open a dialog box where you can generate a shareable link.

Figma offers several ways to share your prototypes. You can directly send the shareable link to your clients or teammates, or even embed it in a website. For a more immersive presentation, consider using Figma's presentation view. This gives your viewers a focused look at your design, allowing them to experience it as end users would.

How to share a Figma prototype

Enhancing Collaboration in Figma: Permissions, Teamwork, and Feedback

Figma simplifies the collaboration process by offering comprehensive features to manage access permissions, work together in real-time, and gather feedback. In this section, we'll explore how to make the most of these features for a seamless design process.

Customizing Access Permissions in Figma

Figma offers various user roles and permissions to control access and editing rights. When you share a prototype, you can assign roles like Viewer, Editor, or Owner, depending on the level of access you want to provide. Clients typically receive Viewer permissions, while teammates might have Editor or Owner roles.

Collaborating in Figma

Inviting teammates to collaborate in Figma is as easy as sharing a link or sending an email invitation. Figma supports live co-editing, allowing multiple users to work on the same design simultaneously. The version history feature ensures you can track changes and revert to previous versions if needed.

Getting Feedback in Figma

Figma's commenting system is a powerful tool for gathering feedback from clients and teammates. Users can leave comments on specific elements, making it easy to address design suggestions and concerns. To navigate and respond to comments, use the 'Comments' panel in the top-right corner. Once you've addressed a comment, mark it as resolved to maintain a clean and organized workspace.

By harnessing Figma's collaboration features, you can streamline your design process and create a more efficient workflow for your team. Establishing clear communication channels and leveraging Figma's tools will help you achieve better results in your projects.

Best Practices for Sharing Figma Prototypes

When sharing Figma prototypes, it's essential to adopt best practices to ensure a smooth process.

  • Keep your Figma files organized with descriptive names and clear layer hierarchy.
  • Always communicate the context when sharing a prototype, whether through a detailed email or a well-documented comment within Figma.
  • And finally, consider the sensitivity of your design information. Ensure you assign appropriate permissions to safeguard your design assets.
Figma sharing permissions


Figma's sharing and collaboration features make it a powerful tool for design teams. By understanding how to effectively share your prototypes, customize permissions, collaborate, and gather feedback, you can streamline your design process and deliver high-quality products. We encourage you to start leveraging Figma in your design workflow and reap the benefits of its robust capabilities.

For more in-depth knowledge, tips, and best practices for Figma, explore the following resources:

Your journey with Figma is just beginning, and there's so much more to explore and learn. Happy designing!

Eugenia Sorgetti

Eugenia Sorgetti

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