
Revolutionize Your Usability Testing with Figma and Maze

Apr 18, 2023Eugenia Sorgetti

Designing a visually appealing and user-friendly product is only half the battle. The other half is ensuring that the users can easily navigate through the product and accomplish their goals. This is where usability testing comes into play.

Usability testing is an essential step in the design process that helps designers identify potential usability issues and make improvements to enhance the user experience. We’ve talked about combining Figma with other tools to get higher-quality designs, and today we want to introduce you to a fantastic tool called Maze that can help you create even better designs.

In recent years, there has been a rise in the popularity of Figma, a collaborative interface design tool, and Maze, a user testing platform. Combining these two tools can provide a seamless and efficient way to conduct usability testing. In this blog post, we will explore how Figma and Maze can be used together to streamline the usability testing process and help designers create products that meet the needs of their users.

The importance of usability testing

Usability testing is a critical step in the design process that helps ensure that the final product meets the needs of its intended users. Without usability testing, a product's design may not be intuitive, easy to use, or functional for its users. Usability testing involves observing real users as they interact with a product, identifying pain points or areas where users struggle, and using this feedback to make necessary design improvements. Ultimately, usability testing can lead to a better user experience, increased user satisfaction, and higher adoption rates for the product. By investing in usability testing, designers can create products that are not only visually appealing but also functional, user-friendly, and tailored to meet the needs of their intended audience.

What exactly is Maze?

Maze is a user testing platform that helps designers and developers conduct usability tests and gather feedback from real users. Maze allows designers to test their prototypes and designs quickly and efficiently and obtain valuable insights into how users interact with their products. Maze offers a range of customization options, including creating custom tests and test scenarios, and supports a variety of test formats, including moderated and unmoderated tests. With Maze, designers can easily analyze test results and use this feedback to make necessary design improvements, ultimately creating products that are more user-friendly and better suited to their users' needs.

Maze's CTA placement test

How to use them

Setting up Figma and Maze for usability testing

Before conducting usability testing with Figma and Maze, it's essential to ensure that your designs are ready for testing. Figma is an excellent tool for creating designs, from wireframes to high-fidelity prototypes. To prepare your designs for usability testing, you should first ensure that they are interactive and user-friendly. Next, you can use Figma's prototyping features to add interactions and animations to your designs, creating a realistic experience for users.

Once your designs are complete, you can export them to Maze for testing. In Maze, you can create and customize your tests, including setting up test scenarios and recruiting participants. To set up a test, you simply need to upload your designs to Maze and select the areas of your design that you want to test. Finally, you can customize your test to match your specific requirements, such as selecting the number of participants you want to recruit or setting specific test tasks. Customization options in Maze include custom branding, participant targeting, and test metrics tracking. By customizing your test, you can ensure that you get the most relevant feedback and insights from your test participants.

Conducting usability testing with Figma and Maze

Once you have set up your usability test with Figma and Maze, it's time to start conducting the tests. The first step is to recruit participants who match your target audience. You can recruit participants from within the Maze platform, using Maze's participant matching feature, or through external recruitment channels such as social media or online marketplaces. Once you have recruited your participants, you can begin conducting your tests with Maze.

Maze offers both moderated and unmoderated testing options, giving you the flexibility to choose the testing format that best suits your needs. During testing, participants will be asked to complete a series of tasks while providing feedback on their experience. You can observe the testing process in real-time and communicate with participants to provide guidance or ask follow-up questions. After completing the test, you can analyze the results in Maze, which provides a range of metrics, including completion rates, success rates, and task times. Maze also offers heatmap and clickstream analysis, providing a visual representation of user behavior during testing, making it easier to identify areas for improvement.

Maze's templates for usability testing

Benefits of combining Figma and Maze for usability testing

Combining Figma and Maze for usability testing offers a range of benefits for designers and developers.

First and foremost, it is a time-saving approach to usability testing. Designers can quickly create interactive designs in Figma and easily export them to Maze for testing, saving time and streamlining the testing process. Additionally, Maze's participant recruitment feature eliminates the need for designers to spend time and resources on recruiting participants themselves, making the process even more efficient and cost-effective.

Another benefit of using Figma and Maze for usability testing is the efficient feedback loop it creates. Designers can receive feedback from real users in real-time, allowing them to make necessary design improvements quickly and effectively. Maze's metrics and analysis tools also provide designers with valuable insights into user behavior, making it easier to identify pain points and areas for improvement.

Finally, the collaborative design process is another significant benefit of combining Figma and Maze for usability testing. By involving real users in the testing process, designers can create products that are better suited to their intended audience. Additionally, Maze's collaboration features allow designers to work with team members and stakeholders to gather feedback and make design decisions collaboratively.

Best practices for usability testing with Figma and Maze

To get the most out of usability testing with Figma and Maze, it's important to follow some best practices.

First, it's essential to define clear goals and objectives for your testing. This will help you focus on the most critical aspects of your design and ensure that you get actionable insights from your testing. Next, it's important to create realistic test scenarios that simulate real-world usage of your product. By doing so, you can get a better understanding of how users will interact with your design in a real-world setting.

Another best practice is to focus on the user experience. Usability testing is all about understanding how users will interact with your product, and it's important to keep the user experience at the forefront of your testing. This means considering factors such as ease of use, clarity, and accessibility when designing your tests.

Finally, it's important to document and share your results. By doing so, you can keep track of your progress and identify areas for improvement. It's also a good idea to share your results with your team and stakeholders, as this can help build support for your design decisions and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

In conclusion, combining Figma and Maze for usability testing is a powerful and efficient way to create better products. By streamlining the testing process, designers and developers can save time and money while gaining valuable insights into user behavior. With the collaborative design process facilitated by Maze's metrics and analysis tools, designers can create more user-friendly designs and improve their products quickly and effectively. We encourage everyone to give Figma and Maze a try for usability testing, as it can help you create better products that meet the needs of your users.

Eugenia Sorgetti

Eugenia Sorgetti

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