Introduction to Figma: A Game-Changer for UX Writers

Jun 28, 2023Eugenia Sorgetti

In the realm of digital product design, Figma has emerged as a powerful tool, transforming the way designers and developers collaborate. But its potential extends beyond the traditional boundaries of design. Figma's powerful features and intuitive interface also make it an invaluable asset for UX writers. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so does the role of UX writing. Once seen as an afterthought, the narrative component of UX design is now recognized as a crucial element in creating engaging and effective user experiences. Enter Figma, a platform that not only acknowledges but enhances the role of UX writing, enabling writers and designers to work side-by-side in creating products that are not only visually pleasing, but also communicative and user-friendly. This symbiotic relationship between design and writing is where Figma truly shines.

The Power of Figma for UX Writers

Enhancing Collaboration

One of Figma's primary strengths is its capacity to foster collaboration. In the context of UX writing, this means that writers can work in tandem with designers right from the initial stages of the design process. This integrated approach can dramatically improve the coherence and effectiveness of the final product, as writers are able to align their text seamlessly with the visual design.

A Unified Workspace

Beyond mere collaboration, Figma offers a unified workspace where writers can see the design evolve in real time. This ability to visualize the design and the narrative together allows UX writers to craft text that perfectly complements the visual elements. It also allows for quick iterations, as changes in design or copy can be made on the fly without the need for back-and-forth exchanges.

A New Level of Efficiency

Figma's intuitive interface and powerful features allow UX writers to work more efficiently. With Figma, writers can directly input and edit text within the design, test different versions of copy, and instantly see how their text interacts with the design. This level of immediacy and control can save a significant amount of time, making Figma a game-changer in the UX writing process.

Understanding the Figma Interface for UX Writers

Figma's interface is designed with ease-of-use in mind. For UX writers, the key areas to familiarize with are the design canvas, the layers panel, and the properties panel. The design canvas is where you'll input and edit text. The layers panel allows you to navigate through different elements of the design, and the properties panel lets you adjust the details of your selected layer, including the text.

Figma's interface

Setting Up Your Project in Figma

Starting a project in Figma is straightforward. You'll want to create frames for different screens or states of your product, and within these frames, you can add layers for text. The use of components is also crucial, as they allow you to create reusable elements with consistent text across your design.

The Collaborative Power of Figma

Figma shines in its capacity for real-time collaboration. As a UX writer, you can work simultaneously with designers and stakeholders, viewing changes as they happen. You can also leave comments, making communication about specific design elements or pieces of text seamless and integrated within the project. This kind of collaboration can streamline workflows and ensure that the end product is a well-synthesized blend of design and text.

Harnessing Figma's Prototyping Features for UX Writing

Figma's prototyping features are another invaluable asset for UX writers. They allow you to simulate the flow of the user journey and test how your copy works in context. By linking frames together, you can create interactive prototypes that mimic the functionality of the final product. You can test different versions of your copy, see how it interacts with the design, and make adjustments based on real-time feedback.

This prototyping functionality is particularly useful for UX writers, as it allows them to see their text 'in action' before the final product is developed. It facilitates testing and iteration, enabling writers to fine-tune their copy to align perfectly with the user experience.

Testing button copy

Integrating Figma with Other Tools

Figma can be integrated with a range of other tools that UX writers commonly use, such as content management systems and localization tools. This means you can manage and track your text assets outside of Figma, while still maintaining a seamless connection with the design.

For instance, you might use a content management system to store and organize your copy, and then import it directly into your Figma design. Similarly, if your product is multilingual, you can use a localization tool to translate your copy and then incorporate those translations into your design through Figma.

By integrating Figma with other tools, you can create a streamlined and efficient workflow that makes managing your UX writing easier and more effective.

Best Practices for UX Writing

UX writing is an often-underappreciated aspect of the design process that warrants early and careful consideration. Good UX writing provides clear guidance to users within a product, making their tasks simpler and more enjoyable. To help users navigate your digital product effectively, here are a few key principles to follow:

  • Be Concise: Clear and brief copy is easier to comprehend.
  • Avoid Long Blocks of Text: Break down information into smaller, digestible chunks.
  • Use Specific Verbs: They make actions and outcomes clearer.
  • Consistency is Key: Keep the tone and terminology uniform throughout your copy.
  • Avoid Jargon: Use language that is easy for your users to understand.
  • Write in Active Voice: It's more direct and engaging.
  • Identify Interactive Elements Appropriately: Make sure users know what's clickable.
  • Use Graphics Strategically: Visuals can enhance comprehension when used wisely.

Remember, the aim of UX writing is to foster seamless communication between users and your product. By adhering to these guidelines, you can enhance your product's usability and user satisfaction​​.


We've journeyed through the vast landscape of UX design, exploring different aspects from the basics of the discipline to more advanced topics. By now, you should have a well-rounded understanding of the field. To continue your exploration, here are five insightful articles that will deepen your knowledge and understanding of Figma, a widely used tool in UX design:

Feel free to dive into these resources to learn more about how Figma can elevate your design process and broaden your UX design skills. Happy designing!

Eugenia Sorgetti

Eugenia Sorgetti

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