
Best Practices for User Testing Your Figma Prototypes

May 8, 2023Eugenia Sorgetti

User testing is a crucial aspect of the design process as it allows designers to understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of their target audience. By conducting user testing, design teams can ensure that their products are both functional and user-friendly, ultimately leading to increased user satisfaction and higher adoption rates.

Figma is a popular tool for prototyping, thanks to its cloud-based collaboration features, real-time design capabilities, and versatile component library. These features make it easy for design teams to create, iterate, and test prototypes quickly and efficiently.

The objective of this blog post is to provide you with best practices for user testing your Figma prototypes, ensuring that your designs effectively meet the needs of your users.

Preparing Your Figma Prototype for User Testing

Ensuring interactive elements are functional

Before you begin user testing, make sure that all interactive elements, such as buttons, links, and forms, are functional within your Figma prototype. This will allow users to interact with the prototype as they would with the final product, providing more accurate feedback.

Using realistic data in your prototype

To get the most valuable insights from user testing, populate your Figma prototype with realistic data. This includes using real-world examples for text, images, and other content, as well as designing with actual user data in mind. This helps participants engage with the prototype more naturally, leading to more accurate and actionable feedback.

Utilizing components and constraints for adaptive design

Figma's components and constraints features enable you to create adaptive designs that work seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes. By employing these features in your prototype, you can ensure that your design will be responsive and user-friendly, regardless of the device used during testing.

Setting up a clear user flow

A well-defined user flow is essential for effective user testing. This means establishing a logical and intuitive path through your Figma prototype that guides users from one task to another. By developing a clear user flow, you can more easily identify areas of friction and confusion during the testing process, ultimately leading to a more refined design.

Selecting Participants for User Testing

Determining your target audience

First and foremost, identify your target audience for the product or feature you're designing. Consider factors such as age, gender, occupation, and technical proficiency when defining your target audience. This will help you select participants who accurately represent your intended user base.

Recruiting a diverse group of participants

Aim to recruit a diverse group of participants who represent a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and abilities. This will help you uncover a wide range of insights and potential usability issues during the testing process.

Balancing the number of participants for effective testing

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to determining the ideal number of participants, aim for a balance that allows for meaningful insights without overwhelming the testing process. Typically, 5-10 participants are sufficient to uncover most usability issues.

Participants for user testing

Creating a User Testing Plan

Establishing clear objectives for the testing

Before conducting user testing, establish clear objectives to guide the process. Objectives can include identifying pain points, validating design decisions, or testing specific functionalities.

Designing tasks that reflect real-world use cases

Develop tasks for participants that reflect real-world use cases of your product or feature. This will help you understand how users will interact with your design in their daily lives and provide more relevant feedback.

Preparing a script for the testing facilitator

Create a script for the testing facilitator to ensure consistency across sessions. The script should include instructions for setting up the test, guiding participants through tasks, and asking follow-up questions to gather valuable insights.

Deciding on the type of user testing (remote or in-person)

Choose between remote or in-person user testing based on your team's resources, timeline, and objectives. Both approaches have their advantages: remote testing allows for a larger and more diverse participant pool, while in-person testing can provide more nuanced observations and interactions.

Check out Maze and read our article on how to conduct user testing with Figma and Maze.

User testing with Figma and Maze

Conducting the User Testing Session

Setting up a comfortable environment for participants

Create a welcoming and comfortable environment for participants, whether in-person or remote. Ensure the testing space is free of distractions, and provide any necessary accommodations to put participants at ease.

Establishing trust and rapport with participants

At the beginning of the session, take time to establish trust and rapport with participants. Introduce yourself, explain the purpose of the user testing, and assure them that their honest feedback is invaluable.

Encouraging open communication and honest feedback

During the testing session, encourage participants to communicate openly and provide honest feedback. Remind them that they are not being evaluated and that their input will help improve the design.

Recording the session for later analysis

Capture the user testing session through video, audio, or screen recordings, with the participant's consent. These recordings will be invaluable for analyzing data and sharing insights with your team. Check out Otter AI!

Analyzing the User Testing Data

Compiling and organizing the data

After completing the user testing sessions, compile and organize the data from recordings, notes, and any quantitative metrics collected. This will help you easily identify patterns and trends.

Analyzing the User Testing Data

Analyze the data to identify trends and common issues that emerged during the testing sessions. Look for recurring themes or problems that indicate areas for improvement in your design.

Prioritizing feedback based on impact and feasibility

Evaluate the feedback and prioritize changes based on their potential impact on the user experience and the feasibility of implementing them. This will help you focus on the most critical improvements first.

Sharing findings with the design team

Lastly, share your findings with the design team to ensure that everyone is aligned on the insights gathered from user testing. This collaborative approach will help your team make informed design decisions moving forward.

Iterating on Your Figma Prototype

Implementing changes based on user feedback

Use the insights gathered from user testing to make informed design decisions and implement changes in your Figma prototype. Address the prioritized issues and incorporate user feedback to enhance the overall user experience.

Repeating the testing process to validate improvements

Once you've made the necessary changes, repeat the user testing process with new or existing participants to validate the improvements. This iterative approach helps ensure that the updated design meets the needs of your users.

Collaborating with team members to refine the design

Work closely with your design team throughout the iteration process, sharing insights and discussing potential design solutions. This collaborative approach encourages diverse perspectives and leads to a more refined and user-centered design.


User testing plays a critical role in creating user-centered designs, as it allows designers to uncover usability issues and better understand the needs of their target audience. By incorporating user feedback into the design process, you can create products that are both functional and enjoyable to use.

Refining your Figma prototypes is an ongoing process that involves multiple rounds of user testing and iteration. This continuous improvement helps ensure that your designs remain relevant, effective, and aligned with user needs.

By embracing the best practices outlined in this blog post, you can enhance the effectiveness of your user testing efforts and create more user-centered Figma prototypes. This, in turn, will contribute to the success of your products and the satisfaction of your users.

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Eugenia Sorgetti

Eugenia Sorgetti

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