Designing with Figma: 5 Beginner Projects for Aspiring Designers

Aug 8, 2023Eugenia Sorgetti

In the dynamic world of digital design, Figma has emerged as a go-to tool, offering versatility in UI/UX design, prototyping, and team collaboration. Whether you're a budding designer or someone looking to transition into the design space, the best way to learn is through hands-on experience. Engaging with practical projects not only builds proficiency with the tool but also nurtures design thinking—a combination of creativity, problem-solving, and user-centered principles. This article will walk you through five beginner-friendly Figma project ideas, tailored to provide foundational experiences while catering to diverse design interests. As you embark on these projects, remember that the journey and iterative process are as valuable as the end result. Each project will hone specific skills, introduce challenges, and ultimately, sharpen your design acumen.

Project Idea 1: Personal Portfolio Website

Dipping your toes into the design realm, what could be more personal and reflective than crafting your own portfolio website? A portfolio serves as a testament to your skills, projects, and professional journey. With Figma, you can design a visually captivating website that incorporates elements like your resume, showcased works, and a section for visitors to reach out. Begin by laying out the main navigation elements—Home, About, Projects, Resume, and Contact. Dabble with frames and layouts to structure your content. Dive deep into the world of typography and colors, ensuring your choices echo your personal brand. And don't forget Figma's interactive components! Prototype transitions between sections or even subtle hover effects to provide users with a seamless experience.

Check out these portfolio designs in Awwwards for inspiration.

Awwards portfolio selection

Project Idea 2: Mobile App Interface for a ToDo List

In today's fast-paced life, ToDo lists are more than just helpful; they're essential. Designing a mobile interface for such an app offers a prime opportunity to blend simplicity with functionality. Picture a clean interface where users can effortlessly add new tasks, prioritize them, and mark them as done with a satisfying checkmark. Start by focusing on mobile responsiveness, ensuring that your design elements scale appropriately for different devices. Use Figma's grid system to align your tasks and keep everything organized. Introduce a mix of reusable components like task cards, checkboxes, and icons for task categories (work, personal, urgent). As an added layer of user-centric design, think about the experience of using the app—maybe swipe actions to mark tasks as done or to delete them? The beauty of this project lies in its potential simplicity, offering a clutter-free environment for users to focus on their tasks.

Here’s some inspiration.

ToDo list examples

Project Idea 3: E-commerce Product Page

E-commerce has dramatically transformed the way we shop. The challenge? Presenting a product online in a manner that's both engaging and informative. Dive into Figma to design a product page that does just that. Begin by centering your product image—this will be your focal point. Surround it with complementary elements: a clear product title, concise description, customer reviews, and an impossible-to-miss purchase button. With Figma, you can play around with interactive elements, like image zoom on hover or a carousel of product photos. Introduce dropdowns or buttons for size and color variations. Don’t forget essential e-commerce components: price, stock status, and perhaps a section suggesting related products. As a tip, keep your user in mind. Their journey should be smooth, from product discovery to clicking that "Add to Cart" button.

Project Idea 4: Newsletter Signup Modal

Engaging with an audience is a crucial aspect of digital platforms. Newsletters act as a bridge, connecting brands or individuals with their community. Designing an enticing signup modal can determine the success of this outreach. With Figma, envision a modal that isn't just a bland box asking for an email. Instead, think about what motivates a user to share their contact information.

Start by crafting a compelling headline, like "Stay Updated with Our Latest Adventures." Follow it up with a brief line explaining the value proposition—what will they gain from the newsletter? Incorporate a simple form with a field for the email address and a vibrant signup button. With Figma's prototyping tools, create subtle animations—maybe the modal slides in or fades into view. Ensure the modal design aligns with the website's overall aesthetics, maintaining brand consistency. Remember, the goal is to invite, not intrude, so a small 'X' or "No Thanks" option should be easily accessible.

Project Idea 5: Restaurant Menu Interface

The aroma of a dish might not transfer digitally, but an effective restaurant menu design can evoke a similar appetite. This project challenges you to present culinary offerings in an organized and enticing manner.

Begin by segmenting the menu—appetizers, mains, desserts, and beverages. Using Figma, design individual cards for each dish, incorporating a tempting image, dish name, brief description, and price. Play with typography—maybe cursive for dish names and a simple font for descriptions. For an advanced touch, add icons or labels for vegetarian, gluten-free, or spicy options. Think about the user journey—can they filter dishes based on dietary preferences? Or perhaps sort by popularity or price? With Figma's interactive capabilities, prototype the experience of clicking on a dish to view more details or adding it to an order. Your goal? Making viewers' mouths water before they even set foot in the restaurant.

Conclusion & Additional Resources

In the journey of design, practice is pivotal. As you delve into these beginner-friendly Figma projects, you'll not only learn the intricacies of the tool but also cultivate a holistic approach to user-centric design. Remember, it's not just about creating visually appealing designs, but about understanding the user and crafting experiences that resonate. As you continue on this path, there are a myriad of resources that can further guide, inspire, and deepen your understanding. Here are five recommended reads to complement your learning:

Embarking on these projects and diving into these resources will undoubtedly elevate your design.

Eugenia Sorgetti

Eugenia Sorgetti

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