
Figma vs Adobe XD: Which Design Tool is Right for You?

Apr 13, 2023Eugenia Sorgetti

Digital design is a rapidly growing field, and the tools that designers use to create their masterpieces are just as important as the creativity and vision they bring to the table. Two of the most popular design tools used by designers today are Figma and Adobe XD. Both tools have gained a reputation for being user-friendly, efficient, and feature-packed, making them the go-to tools for many designers.

However, despite the many similarities between Figma and Adobe XD, there are several differences that set them apart. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at these differences and help you determine which tool is the right choice for your design needs.

What is Figma?

Figma is a cloud-based design tool that allows designers to create and collaborate on design projects in real-time. With Figma, designers can create high-quality user interfaces, wireframes, prototypes, and more. The platform features an intuitive interface that is easy to use, making it a popular choice for designers of all levels. Figma's collaboration capabilities are also a standout feature, allowing teams to work together seamlessly on the same design project.


What is Adobe XD?

Adobe XD is a design tool that was created specifically for UX/UI designers. With Adobe XD, designers can create high-quality wireframes, prototypes, and user interfaces. The platform features an intuitive interface that is easy to use, making it a popular choice for designers of all levels. Adobe XD's advanced features for creating complex interactions and animations are a standout feature, making it a popular choice for designers who require more advanced design capabilities. Additionally, Adobe XD's integration with other Adobe products, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, make it a powerful tool for designers who need to work across multiple platforms.

Adobe XD


With Figma's real-time collaboration capabilities, team members can work together on the same design project simultaneously, allowing for live collaboration. This feature is particularly useful for remote teams, as it allows designers to work together seamlessly from anywhere in the world. Additionally, Figma's commenting and feedback features make it easy for team members to leave notes and suggestions directly on the design project, streamlining the design review process.

Two hands pointing at the same spot

While Adobe XD also offers collaboration features, they are not as extensive as those offered by Figma. Adobe XD's collaboration features are more focused on enabling team members to share and review designs, rather than working on them simultaneously. While this can be useful for teams that need to share their work with clients or stakeholders, it may not be as efficient for teams that need to collaborate in real-time.


When it comes to integration with other software and services, both Figma and Adobe XD have their strengths. Figma is a web-based tool, which means that it can easily integrate with other popular design and development tools that are available online. Figma offers a range of integrations with third-party services, such as Slack, Trello, and Asana, making it easy for designers to collaborate and manage their workflow.

Adobe XD, on the other hand, is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of products, which means that it integrates seamlessly with other Adobe products. For designers who are already using other Adobe products, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, Adobe XD can be a good choice because it allows them to work seamlessly across multiple platforms.

Both Figma and Adobe XD also offer plugin support, which means that designers can extend the functionality of these tools by adding custom plugins. However, Figma's plugin support is more extensive than Adobe XD's, with a larger library of plugins that are available to users.

Ultimately, the choice between Figma and Adobe XD will depend on the specific needs of each designer or design team. While Figma's web-based platform and extensive integration capabilities make it a great choice for remote teams, Adobe XD's seamless integration with other Adobe products may make it a better choice for designers who are already using other Adobe tools.

Ease of use

When it comes to ease of use and learning curve, both Figma and Adobe XD are user-friendly design tools that are relatively easy to learn. Figma's clean and intuitive interface makes it easy for designers of all levels to get started quickly, with a low learning curve. The platform features drag-and-drop functionality and a range of templates and components that allow designers to create high-quality designs without requiring extensive design experience.

Similarly, Adobe XD also features an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, making it a good choice for designers who are new to the tool. Adobe XD also offers a range of resources, such as tutorials, guides, and community forums, that can help designers learn the ins and outs of the platform.

The ease of learning Figma and Adobe XD will ultimately rely on the designer's experience level and personal preferences. Both tools offer a range of features and resources that can help designers create high-quality designs, with a relatively low learning curve. However, designers who are already familiar with other Adobe products may find Adobe XD easier to learn due to its similar interface and design language.

Plugins and Templates

Both Figma and Adobe XD offer a range of plugins and templates that can help designers extend the functionality of the tools and speed up their workflow.

Figma's plugin library is extensive, with a wide range of plugins available that cover everything from design systems and icon libraries to prototyping and animation tools. These plugins can be easily installed within Figma, and they integrate seamlessly with the platform, making it easy for designers to access and use them.

Similarly, Adobe XD also offers a range of plugins that can help designers streamline their workflow and extend the functionality of the tool. However, Adobe XD's plugin library is not as extensive as Figma's, and designers may find that they need to use multiple plugins to achieve the same level of functionality that is available in a single Figma plugin.

Both Figma and Adobe XD also offer a range of templates that can help designers get started quickly on their design projects. Figma offers a range of templates that cover everything from website design to mobile app design, while Adobe XD offers templates that are tailored specifically for UX/UI design.

In the end, the selection of Figma or Adobe XD will rely on the distinct requirements of each designer or design team. While Figma's extensive plugin library and range of templates make it a great choice for designers who require a high level of functionality, Adobe XD's more streamlined plugin library and tailored templates may make it a better choice for designers who are focused specifically on UX/UI design.


Finally, let’s take a look at pricing. Figma offers a free plan for individuals, with pricing plans starting at $12 per editor per month for professional teams. Adobe XD also offers a free plan, but its pricing plans start at $9.99 per month for individuals and $22.99 per month for teams.

Figma's Pricing plan


Both Figma and Adobe XD are powerful design tools that offer a range of features and capabilities for designers. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and preferences. If collaboration is a priority for your team, Figma may be the better choice. If you’re looking for more advanced design features or already use Adobe software, Adobe XD may be the way to go. Regardless of which tool you choose, both Figma and Adobe XD are great options for designing beautiful and functional user interfaces.

Eugenia Sorgetti

Eugenia Sorgetti

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