A descentralized platform on Cardano blockchain to create and invest in tokenized portfolios
Cardano Native asset investment is challenging due to the absence of specialized tools for ecosystem exposure. Cardano needs more robust financial tools in order to attract outside investment.
Metera allows users to invest in carefully crafted indexes that give instant exposure to a wide range of assets within the Cardano Ecosystem in a seaming-less way.
Try us risk free for 7 days, if you don’t love us, get your money back.
We conducted research to understand the needs of team leaders and set clear goals. We had brainstorming sessions to develop concise solutions that solved the problem.
We created initial sketches and designs, working together to explore various approaches that best suited the needs of team leaders.
We gathered valuable insights by exposing our designs to real team leaders. Through their feedback, we assessed the impact and effectiveness of our solutions, iterating the designs based on it.