Product Management Frameworks: Building blocks for a successful business

Jun 11, 2022Dianne Eberhardt

What type of building blocks do you need for your business? What structure will best suit your needs? Why not use Product Management Frameworks?

What is Project Management Frameworks anyways?

The true definition of Project Management Frameworks are the stages involving planning and management, up to the creation and launch of an app.

A typical project management framework entails the following parts.

  1. The life cycle of software development, this cycle represents all the stages a software process will go through. The process usually consists of initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closing. In other words, the agile framework will outline three stages of conception and iteration before product release. In contrast, the waterfall framework includes phases of concept, initiation, analysis, design, construction, and testing before deployment.
  2. Templates and other task assignment tools, there are many tools that the project management frameworks provide to manage the process quickly. Progress reports, backlog management, bugs tracker, and sprints management are essential tools to streamline development and prevent roadblocks and bugs.
  3. Processes each of the frameworks have a series of processes to follow. For example, Agile uses iterations or sprints to break down development into more easily manageable pieces.

As a project managers, we can discuss some of the best products we can use to help you with your app development.

  1. Waterfall

One tool is the waterfall framework, which works as part of the traditional waterfall methodology. It comes from the manufacturing industry. The waterfall framework starts by gathering customers' and other stakeholders' requirements and then linearly goes through the implementation.

You must complete every stage before moving on to the next. There are no iterations or working backward to the previous phase. Any required modification is made after the project cycle finishes, which means adjustments are made once the project launches and is at the maintenance stage.

The water methodology is extensively used today to implement software development life cycle (SDLC) for new development projects.

2. Design: after you collect everything you need and understand the outline stakeholders' and users' expectations, you proceed to the app development procedure. Your data will help you decide all the software and hardware requirements for the app development. During this stage, when you decide on the software architecture. You want to brainstorm and outline possible solutions to all your needs. Once you have them, you can turn them into solid app specifications. Once you complete your app specifications, you must create tasks and list them. Then schedule these tasks and assign timelines. The project manager can start with the cost estimations and build a budget around them.

There are 15 different project management frameworks; we will mention a few.

  1. Storytelling is the most basic of all the frameworks. When you think of storytelling, you think of a beginning, the story in the middle, and of course, the end of the story. Well, in the product management framework, you can divide it up similar to a report, figure out who your customer is, then pinpoint the need for the product and search for other alternatives that can act as a solution. Once you put your key into practice, you then have to end the story, which are the results you get from the activity, and you can categorize them as your result parameters like increased share, better returns, etc.
  2. The Circles method is a set of steps that guides how you must approach product management.
  • Comprehend the Situation
  • Identify the Customer
  • Report the Need of the Customer
  • Cut through Prioritization
  • List Solutions
  • Evaluate the Tradeoffs
  • Summarize

3. The Google Research Team designed the Heart product management framework. It is a matrix in which the rows are the steps, and the columns are parameters. The steps are:

  1. Happiness: Which measures the attitude of the user.
  2. Engagement: The number of users who use your product or interact with your brand.
  3. Adoption: This one measures how many new users you continue to gain.
  4. Retention: How many users are coming back?
  5. Task Success: How many tasks have been assigned to the user, and how many are completed?
  6. 4 Quadrants of Time Management: You can use this framework for any product. You divide your tasks into four parts of a quadrant. The four quadrants are.
  • Urgent tasks of high importance
  • Urgent tasks of low importance
  • Not urgent tasks of high importance
  • Not urgent tasks of low importance

So, Project Management Frameworks has many opportunities depending on which route you want to take. Do your research to help you pick the right framework that best suits your needs. Just remember that project management frameworks work best as a team of individuals working together to accomplish the same goal.

Dianne Eberhardt

Dianne Eberhardt

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