MVP Services: 5 Tips on how to build MVP without Code

Jun 25, 2022Dianne Eberhardt

What does MVP stand for?

MVP is an abbreviation for 'minimum viable product' and refers to the initial stage of making your new business concept's primary workable (and saleable) version.

It's an idea from the book called 'The Lean Startup' by Eric Reis, and therefore the basics are comparatively simple.

Rather than putting vast amounts of your time into creating a close business plan and painstakingly carving out and sculpting the right product, you must put that point into determining the minimum requirements to reduce a product out there within the marketplace. Something people will use and eventually be prepared to get.

Creating an MVP Service

Create a product you can develop

This idea of an MVP phase is very relevant to the tech sector. Whether you are creating a replacement software platform, website, or another kind of digital service, you would like user interest, usage data, and feedback.

Your initial public offering will be far from perfect, and the other people will probably hate some parts of it. But getting this MVP out there allows you to check your product and use customer feedback to continue sculpting and improving.

Going through this phase allows you to:

  • Provide an initial product to users
  • Obtain real-world user feedback and comments
  • Shift your focus in terms of user feedback, and this doe not mean losing sight of the overall vision of the product.
  • Build a community, create momentum within that community

For example, if your product is a website, it is possible to launch with just a landing page - an introductory page that will offer parties the chance to register their interest.

It is minimal, but it works, and over time you will be able to add you're 'About Us page, 'Products' Page, and other relevant sections, based on the comments you get from your clients and customers.

What are the five tips for building without code?

  1. Test the Viability of Your Idea Before You Build Anything.

If you are building a mobile app, it will be tempting to leap straight into development mode. After all, the earlier you get your product onto the market, the faster you can start generating revenue and growing your business. However, this approach isn't always the best practice; it's often an inefficient use of your time and money.

By focusing on building MVP first rather than a complete app or website (as is usually the case with no-code tools), you will have a far better idea about whether people are interested in using your product before investing an excessive amount of time and money into making it happen, here's how:

  • Read through existing reviews online from previous users who have used similar products like yours
  • Conduct surveys with potential users about what their needs are when buying products like yours
  • Test out prototypes with small groups of real people to determine how they respond

2. Formulate Goals

A goal is a result or objective you want to achieve. If there is no clear definition of what your MVP will seem like, then how can anyone tell if it works? You want a group of goals that describe what you are trying to attain along with your product or service, and you break down those goals into smaller tasks.

3. Create a List of Features and a User Flow Chart

The next step is to make a listing of features and a user flow chart. A feature list is accustomed features that support their importance, while a user flow chart helps you visualize the method users will use when using your product.

To create a feature list, write down all relevant features to your MVP. You will be able to later use this information as an essential basis for making decisions associated with development or marketing. Next, please write down the steps that users have to soak up to accomplish each task or show how they may behave concerning these steps. It is essential not just from a functionality point of view but also from an emotional one: what feelings does one want them to experience when interacting with your product? What barriers could make them drop it?

4. Develop a Product Without the Use of Code

  • Use no-code to create MVP. This can be one of the simplest ways to validate a thought and test concepts. The advantage of no-code is that you can build an MVP in precisely three days with little money and energy. You will not be ready to add any features, but it will help get your first users who will provide valuable feedback on what they like or don't like about your product.
  • Use no-code to seek out a product/market fit. If you are building a website, you may need some functionality so it will be tested with real users who represent your audience for future development purposes. In other words, if something is wrong with user interaction or navigation flow, it needs fixing before moving forward with development work because these issues might discourage potential customers from signing up for further updates.

5. Get Your App Tested Early

If you are building a product that has to undergo beta testing or piloting, it's essential to induce user feedback as soon as possible. Users will provide valuable insight into how the merchandise might be improved and indicate bugs in its performance. Getting quick expert feedback is also essential because it will tell you if other alternatives may work better for your idea.

Finally, don't ditch getting input from other founders, investors, and team members; they will be ready to provide valuable insights into how an analogous startup has tackled similar issues.

Dianne Eberhardt

Dianne Eberhardt

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